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Select all the columns of a table in crystal report for eclipse

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Dear all,

I am using crystal report for eclipse and I came up with a problem that messes up my whole crystal report.

I am trying to create a crystal report through eclipse but if I use an sql command to take the columns I want it messes up the fieldName and instead of the table_name.Column_name it imports the command.Column_name. So I though it would be a good idea to select manually all the tables that I want and then import them to my CR.

The problem is that there is not a method where I can take all the columns from the different tables. Is there a solution for this?

Thank you.

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Hi Mike,

Correct, you cannot convert a report that uses direct Table connections to a SQL Command and same to go the other way.

Due to the complexity of how this would work in the backend it was simply too much work for the Developers to do this. And not many people use it or requested the ability so it did not justify the cost to do so.

Only option is to manually re-create the report by copying/pasting in the various objects.
