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Enjoy transaction (ME21N)

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Dear experts,

I am evaluating SAP Screen PErsonas in a demo scenario trying to develop a nice flavor for ME21N.

Maybe not the easiest one to start with :-). Requirements are not that dificult: We have fixed buyer and fixed vendor. And something like 10 matrial numbers to order. I was able to create some scripts to enter the data.Hiding some controls - also done.

But I struggle a lot with the layout. For example I do not have full control if the header is expanded or not. Same for the item details. It seems to depend on the selected tab (? really ?) controlled by the transaction itself before Personas kicks in. And this does not only influence layout. Header fields are simply not available anymore as you might know

Searching the archives "just" showed me that I am not the only one with problems like that. Also found some hints regarding "Overwrite Control ID". So maybe I have some rudimentarty information. But nothing like "best practice". And I could not find a flavor in the personas gallery.

My question:

Can anybody point me to information I've overseen? Any best practive? What is a good approach? Does it make sense to re-use controls of ME21N at all or should I create my own controls and script everything?

Kind Regards


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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A lot of transactions employing "Enjoy" controls have some kind of responsive features built in, which will automatically collapse certain screen areas if there is not enough space on the screen to show all areas. As you found (in the KB article), in ME2*N transactions there are function codes to expand or collapse each of these areas. This makes it actually easier to handle these transactions than some others, where there is no function code for explicitly expanding a certain area, regardless of whether it is already expanded or not. Other transactions may only have a toggle button for this.

So essentially, you have to make sure your script expands any of these areas before referring to a control included within. It sounds cumbersome but it is not THAT bad.

Indeed, these PO transactions are not the best to start your Personas journey with, since they are relatively complicated - but if you can handle them, you will be able to tackle most other tasks as well.

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Challenges are okay for me. At least I have some confirmation that I did not oversee some shortcut or better approach.

Sounds encouraging. Thanks!