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"There is no Universe file attached to the Universe InfoObject" error

Former Member
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Hi experts,

when I import universe, the universe designer prompt the error message window and says:"There is no Universe file attached to the Universe InfoObject","Could not import universe".

then I enter the CMC and click universe.In normally case, there should have a universe name, and below it is file name,

file name is like "frs://Input/a_037/004/000/1061/uv-a6.unw".

But I find my universe have no file name.

and I also search the *.uvw file in BO server filestore/input folder,but they are gone.

Could anybody tell me, why the universe file *.uvw is gone?



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Former Member
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Try to search with *.unv in CMC.


Suresh Aluri.

Former Member
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Hi Suresh,

Do you mean in home->Objects, serach for *.unv? I did so, but no item found.

anyway, I import the universe from backup biar file.

I just curious why the universe in BO server is gone.

Best Regards,


Former Member
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1 possibility I have seen:

Make sure you do not have multiple file stores running and pointing to different file directories. Only one can be active at any time, but if you restart one of the machines it could cause the secondary servers to start taking requests.

I have seen clients do this when they cluster a machine and fail to point to a common file location. They end up with half of their documents on one machine and the rest on another. When the cms looks in path it has stored it cannot find it in the currently running file repository.