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INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI 404 problem, installation tips

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I installed NW04s with the PI option. I was going through the post installation configuration steps.

When I configure the INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI RFC destination to the ABAP stack using connection type 'H' for HTTP I get a "404 Not Found" error.

I believe there would be some problem in my installation.

My j2ee stack runs perfectly fine at http://<server>:50100

My abap stack runs perfectly fine at http://<server>:8001

However the resource http://<server>:50100/rep does not exist.

Would anybody know what the problem might be. Do I need to reinstall/take care of certain things while installing.

Thank You for your help.


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These are the details you enter in the INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI RFC destination,

technical settings--

1.Target Host -- > give the complete host name

2. Service No --> Java Stack Port

3.Path Prefic --> /dir/CacheRefresh

Log On and Security--

use should be your XIISUSER.

After setting this, try a test connection and you should get a HTTP return message of code 500.

For more take a look at page 14 ( section 4.4 ) of this document,



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Thank you for the help.

XIISUSER is now replaced by PIISUSER with the same roles. I have configured this user as suggested.


The Target Host, Service and Path are all right, exactly as mentioned in the document.

I did the test. I get a 404. Which is resource not found.

I get the same error when I test the http://<server>:<port>/rep url as well.

I believe some PI components did not get installed as part of the installation. Could you please verify your java components from the link http://<yourserver>:5<instance>00/sap/monitoring/ComponentInfo

Any other suggestions?

Thank You for the help.
