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How to change a data type in a graphical calculation view

Former Member
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How do I change the data type of a calculation view?

Background: we do comparison tests with DbUnit. DbUnit requires the data-types to be exactly the same.

So I need to change for example from BigInt to Int.
SQL equivalent: cast(colName as integer)

(I do see the data-type in the properties window of a column. But do not see any option to change it)

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Hi Thorsten,

I think you only can do this with a (new) calculated column for each field:

Best Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

That was my work-around too.

Thanks for sharing that this is the way to go

Active Contributor
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Looking at the orig. question this actually is what you asked for: the equivalent of the SQL type cast. Just like in SQL one has to explicitly declare the conversion and provide a name for thr projected colum.