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communicating with a 3rd party system using webservices

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Hi all,

I have a scenario

3rd party <-> XI<->CRM.

here im using SOAP between 3rd party <->XI, xi<->CRM im using ABAP proxies.

scenario 1. 3rd party would send messages(client request) to cRM to get some data. CRM has to respond for that.

scenario 2. CRM would request the 3rd party to get some data, then 3rd party would respond.

scenario 3. there is no request from 3rd party but crm has to send the data.

So 3rd party would communicate using webservices sends the request to cRM. if there is any request from cRM then 3rd party have a webservice to serve.

My question is

1) for cRM side i should create a webservice? if i create this where shold i create? i mean i should put this webservice on WAS of CRM or on XI ? If i create this webservice and put on CRM WAS, could this communicate with XI by using ABAP proxies? when CRM sends a request to 3rd party, to send this i should create another webservice ?

could you please anyone tell me about this?

thanks a lot in Advance

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CRM-> XI : You could use client abap proxies for pushing data from CRM to XI.

XI -> 3rd party : if the 3rd party provides you with a webservice, Xi can then use that external webservice for sending data to 3rd party.


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Hi Naveen

thanks for the reply.

Actually i need the details.could you please address all my questions which i have mentioned?

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<i>for cRM side i should create a webservice? if i create this where shold i create? i mean i should put this webservice on WAS of CRM or on XI ? If i create this webservice and put on CRM WAS, could this communicate with XI by using ABAP proxies?</i>

As to your first question, you dont have to create webservice on CRM side, all you have to do is to define an outbound interface in XI, and generate proxies for that outbound interface in CRM.

<i>when CRM sends a request to 3rd party, to send this i should create another webservice ?</i>

You havent specified who the 3rd party is DataBase/R3/etc. Let us assume the end system is truely external from your landscape. if the 3rd party provides you with a webservice, you can import taht webservice into XI and use it as an inbound interface.

Hence, you would then map the outbound interface from CRM-> XI to your inbound interface XI->3rd party.

3rd party provided webservice could be written in java/.net.


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HI Naveen,

Thanks a lot for a quick reply.

Actually my third party system is a .net app. and it sends/receives the request by using webserices.So i thought i should also create a web service to communicate with that.

So without creating that web service also cRM can communicate with that 3rd party right? plz let me know my understanding is correct?

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Hi Kiran,

Is your scneario synchronous end to end that

Request : .net app -> xi -> CRM

Response : CRM -> XI -> .net app

or is it asunchronous with two interfaces

interface 1 : .net app -> xi -> CRM

interface 2 : CRM -> XI -> .netapp


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Hi Naveen,

I have both secnarios some times it could be synch and some times an asynch. Could please give me any more information that's required in my integration part?

Thanks alot once again naveen


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<i>scenario 1. 3rd party would send messages(client request) to cRM to get some data. CRM has to respond for that</i>

this is a synchronous scenario, you could expose your outbound interface as webservice for .net app to consume. And generate proxy for In bound interface in CRM

<i>CRM would request the 3rd party to get some data, then 3rd party would respond.</i>

this is a synchronous scenario, implement abap proxy for outbound interface, write a .net webservice and consume that webservice into XI and define it as inbound interface.

<i>scenario 3. there is no request from 3rd party but crm has to send the data.</i>

this is an asynch scenario, same as the above, implement outbound interface as client proxy in CRM, import .net webservice as inbound interface.


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Thanks a lot Naveen


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Hi Naveen,

could you plz tell me,If the 3rd party system is behind the firewall, what exactly im supposed to do? could you please give me the details?

