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Agentry android client deployment with ESRI maps error - NullPointerException

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We are in the process of integrating our Agentry client with GIS maps for an Android device. We have used Android Studio for building the agentry client for android using the below components:

Agentry SDK - SP15 PL7
ESRI SDK - arcGIS Runtime SDK for Android 10.2.9

The steps followed are attached here.

1. Import agentry sdk into agentry studio using the build.gradle file under AgentryAndroidClientSolution folder

2. Copy the GIS SDK folder to the local directory.

Now import the project as a module GIS SDK\GIS\MobileAppsGISLibrary

Multiple projects will appear below as sub dependencies:

3. Add the Maven link for ESRI to the project level gradle script:

allprojects {

repositories {


// add the esri arcgis maven repo

maven {

url ''




Add the following to the android manifest:

<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" />

4. The .apk file gets exported successfully however upon installing it on the Android Samsung II tablet (android version 7.0) a null pointer exception is issuesd:

?.;]]==\\/Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException

The agentry client was able to run on the tablet until after login and sync then crashes with the following:' on a null object reference


Can you please help us? We are trying to deploy this for our customer urgently and need this resolved at the earliest


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We were able to resolve the null pointer exception by maintaining the PREF_MAP_TYPE = ESRI under the Client Globals section of the mobile application's configpanel settings.
