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Can we update infoobject to cube by lokking at attribute value?

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Hi All,

I have a question (this might be in BI space) however I am working on APO BI.

WE have a sitaution were an infoobject character - Salesgroup has attribute (Display) externanl group. When we get sales history file evvery month we get attribute of Salesgroup that is External group in file. When we write to cube we look up at External group and write associates sales group number into the cube - CAn we do this and if yes How?

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Your question is not very clear.

What I understood is that you have a characteristic called Sales group. For this characteristic called Sales Group, you have an attribute called external group.

Then you get some file which contains external group. What is meant by "we write associates sales group number into the cube"?

Is this 'Associate's sales group' a new characteristic/ attribute? Or do you mean the above characteristic itself (sales group)?

If my understanding is correct, you mean that you would like to update the sales group (characteristic) in the cube based on external group (attribute).

You can get your file data to a DSO or a cube, and then use it somewhere in logic in any way that you want.

For this, either you need to change the characteristic when data is being uploaded to the cube,


send data from this cube to another cube or DSO, and make the changes during the data transfer,


use function modules through which you can read cube's data and also change it. This will require a custom program.

If you can share your requirement clearly, then it should be possible to give a more clear solution.

Hope this helps.

Thanks - Pawan

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Hi Pawan

thanks for your response - what you understood looks to be right.

Sales Group is an info object(Characteristic) -- External group is its attribute. Flat file we get from Market has External group populated. We need to use some sort of rule or ABAP code to in transfer rule or however - such that the based on External group the system should look up for Sales Group and populate in cube .

to my understanding we need to write some sort of ABAP code for this . Can you suggest on this. Any sample code is also appreciated.



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Hi Varma,

You should talk to some ABAP person from your team who has worked previously in BI related area.

He could maintain the routine in the transformation. For an ABAP person, this shouldn't be a very complex topic, however as a functional person, I am unable to help you with the code.

PS: You would maintain the external group in the datasource, but this won't be mapped to any characteristic in the cube.

In the transformation , maintain the above code which would fill the value for sales group when populating the data to the cube.

An assumption would be that one external group is assigned to a unique sales group, else you would face issues in the logic.

Regards - Pawan