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MII-How to Resolve Blank Error message on Laptop

Former Member
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I recently received a new laptop with windows 7.2 and tried executing the workbench in MII 12.2.3 and 14.02 and receive a blank error message (just the dialog box with no content) when i try to open/close a file or exit the workbench. (See attached file). I have to kill the workbench to exit. MII works as expected in the windows terminal server so i suspect this is a laptop issue.

Has anyone encountered this issue? Any suggestions?

Additional info:

java -version

java version "1.7.0_25"

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Dave,

Yes, this is the problem with the update of the JRE you are using.

I had also faced the similar issue with this update of JRE, also, in this particular version the shortcut icons in workbench are scattered and not displayed properly.

I would suggest you to use update 5 or 7 for Java 7. It works absolutely fine.

Thanks & Warm Regards,
