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Calculate standard composition via EH&S Expert

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I'm having a hard time finding out how EH&S expert is use to calculate standard composition on the real sub.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could answer the following questions:

What are the prerequisites?

What is the process for maintaining the master data?

Best regards / Gustav

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Expert can only be used to drill down into the components of another composition that has already been filled out. Typically, Exact Composition by Product will have your raw/real sub composition filled in by some other process (BOMBOS, manually, I believe recipe management can do it... there may be other options). After Exact Comp is filled with a composition, only then expert run a rule that can drill down into each component to get the pure sub base components and fill out your standard comp.

I'm not sure if you've used Expert before, but Expert can't perform any logic on it's own, you must have a ruleset set up for it to run. Assuming you don't have Expert already set up, you first need to setup Expert on a Windows Server. Expert can be obtained from SAP Service MarketPlace. Instructions can be found in customizing (SPRO) under EHS->Basic Data and Tools->Tools-> EH&S Expert. You then have to develop or purchase a rule to do what you need. Documentation for developing Expert Rules can be found at under Specification Management->Specification Editing->Secondary Data Determination->EH&S Expert. I assume that most companies (including SAP) that have a content and rule package would have a standard composition rule that they could sell you if developing one doesn't seem to be a good option.

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Thank you for the swift reply.

I have another question regarding EH&S expert:

Can EH&S expert be used to create DG_CL and assign them to a real sub?

best regards Gustav

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Hi Gustav,

Yes, the DG Ruleset can do this.

If I rember correctly you need to manually classify all your Pure Subs with DG Information.

The DG Ruleset takes this data from the PURE_SUBs contained in the Std. Comp of your REAL_SUB and calculates the DG_CL_SUB which is needed for the correct classification.

If such a DG_CL_SUB does exit, it will use it - if not it will create a new DG_CL_SUB and assign it to your REAL_SUB.

Hope this helps


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Thank you!