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Material listing an exclusion

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Hello friend

I have a requirement from my company, where they want that a particular product to be sold to a particular dealer plus the dealer should also be able to buy other products also. If I try to do the material listing in combination of dealer and material, then the dealer is not able to buy other product. Please let me know, how that is possible. Can material group be used??


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Which exact process you are trying to map - a certain material should be sold only to a specific customer or group of customers or if a customer or group of customers wishes to buy a specific material we may suggest him to buy also several other items?

The first process in SAP terms is listing/exclusion, the second is cross-selling.

In case you need to model the listing/exclusion process - the answer to your question is yes, you can set material listing/exclusion per material group.

You need to create a new condition table for listing/exclusion and assign it to the access sequence that you are goung to use for the listing process.

Material group is available as allowed field in the catalog. In case you need to to use additional criteria with fields that are not present there - e.g. MVGR1-MVGR5 or PRAT1-PRAT9 from MVKE, it is also possible, but you will need a developer to assist you.

The process of adding additional fields for listing/exclusion is very similar to how it is done for standard pricing conditions.

You also do not need to create all records per dealer/unless you really need to specify this per customer account - you can use fields such as customer group to simplify the maintenence.

Make sure that if you use different levels of determining the allowed materials to select the correct procedure for material listing - ' ', 'A', 'B' or 'C'.

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Hi Veselina

Thanks for the answer. I am just worried, that if I attach a particular customer to a particular product via list(using material group), then whether the customer will be able to buy other goods or not. To illustrate

Suppose a company ABC, produces following product X, Y, and Z and it wants that product X should only be sold to Customer D only and not to other customer. In that case, I can create the material listing based on Customer D, Product X and material group, but was not sure if the customer D would be able to buy Y and Z or not as the customer was only assigned to product group X. My question was that only.


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You will need 2 listings - one for the combination of customer D and product X and another for all other products except product X on the level of customer group for example. You set the procedure as 'B' - at least one listing should apply.

For customer A you will get a listing of all products except X. The first listing cannot be determined because it is a different customer.

For customer D you get a listing for all products as for customer A and the listing containing product X.

Make a quick test in your development system with the settings proposed and I am sure that you will understand it easily once you try it with 2-3 customers and materials.

Another approach is to use the exclusion functionality and forbid the sales for product X to all customers except D, but it can be risky, because when somebody creates a new customer he can forget to update the exclusion list. To minimize the problem you can create the exclusion based on one of the freely definable fields for customers (like KATR*, KDKG*, KVGR*), that you set as obligatory for the account group.

Also: if you do not have listing or exclusion maintained for a customer, you can sell all products to him and you do not want that to happen. So either create exclusion based on customer attribiues that can be activated even for new customers or create the listings in such way as to get the second listing applied for a new account as well.