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DataHub API retry failed publications

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We pretend to retry a publication. We have two publications: the first with id 1, and the second with id 2. We pretend to retry with a POST call:

 POST http://localhost:8080/datahub-webapp/v1/pools/GLOBAL/publications

We try to publish again the second publication:

Body with actionId=2

     "targetSystemPublications": [
       "targetSystemName": "HybrisCore"

But only the first publication is attempted again. Also tried with an unknown action id, and also retries the first publication.

Body with actionID unknown

     "targetSystemPublications": [
       "targetSystemName": "HybrisCore"

In these tables you can see the result:



How this POST call works? How can we retry one desired publication?

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Here is the relevant quote from the help page about Manual Retry Publications (emphasis mine):

The publication attempts to manually publish any canonical item that has a canonical item publication status of FAILURE or IGNORED. It does not include items that have been created, updated, or marked as deleted to a given target system. The retry includes all items that have a CanonicalItemPublicationStatus status of IGNORED or FAILURE for a given target system.

The retry publication retries every IGNORED or FAILED canonical items, it does not differentiate between publications