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Campaign Approval Workflow restart after rejection

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I have implemented a Campaign Approval workflow for our client. The workflow itself works correctly. When the request is rejected the campaign status sets to "In Preparation" as it is described in

If the editor again clicks on the "Submit for Approval" button the workflow is not started again, but the campaign status is directly set to "Released" and the editor could start the campaign without an approval.

Why does the campaign approval workflow not restart? In my opinion this is a general business use case. What is the recommendation to deal with the campaign after a rejection?


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Daniel,

When using custom conditions for approval workflow, you must set 2 BAdI implementations of Marketing: Campaign Approval Workflow, as described in our online documentation Custom Conditions for Campaign Approval Workflow | SAP Help Portal  as well as in the blog Approval workflow in SAP Marketing Cloud (Part 4) ... - SAP Community:

  • One implementation with option Providing additional conditions for scenarios. This implementation defines the custom conditions under Start Conditions when defining the workflow in the Manage Workflows app.
  • One implementation with option Value evaluation of additional conditions for scenarios. This implementation evaluates the the conditions. Without it, there is no evaluation at all of the values that are set in the condition. It will not work.

See the document CustomConditionsRetrictingApprover attached for an example on how to define custom conditions to avoid the creator of a campaign to approve the campaign.

Best Regards, Isabelle Product Owner SAP Marketing Cloud.

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I have mentioned that we have already set the two BAdi implementations (SWF_WORKFLOW_CONDITION_DEF and SWF_WORKFLOW_CONDITION_EVAL).

As describe the problem is not the custom condition. The problem is after rejection the workflow does not starts again after clicking on "Submit for Approval".

  1. User 1 creates campaign and clicks on "Submit on Approval"
  2. Campaign Approval workflow starts and correctly sends out approval requests
  3. User 2 gets the request and rejects it.
  4. User 1 edits the campaign after rejection and clicks on "Submit on Approval"
  5. PROBLEM: Campaign status is directly on "Released" with no approval request send out. 
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Daniel,

Did you check the implementation example that I provided?

As I mentioned in an earlier reply, create an incident with the details and the CB user with which we can connect to the system, unless you did create an incident already? I have seen an incident recently that seems about this topic exactly.

Best Regards, Isabelle

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Which type of workflow have you created? Do you have conditions or select the approver when submitting for approval.

There is no such process that on a 2nd submit for approval that it is released directly. Either there is a workflow setup, either there is not. Without a concrete example, it is hard to comment on this specific situation.

In case you still have an issue, create an incident for CEC-MKT-WF.

Best Regards, Isabelle Product Owner SAP Marketing Cloud

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Hi Isabelle,

we have created a Campaign Approval workflow with one custom condition and are using both Business Add-ons [ SWF_WORKFLOW_CONDITION_DEF and SWF_WORKFLOW_CONDITION_EVAL ]. This campaign approval workflow is the only one which is active.

Scenario: The group of 6 users have approver and editor rights. In the case that one of these users submits the campaign for approval, they should not be able to select themselves as approver.

Custom Condition: We use "lastchangedbyuser" as parameter to ensure that the last editor is excluded as approver. We are using the custom condition as starting condition for the workflow and compare the User IDs of the 6 approvers to the User ID of "lastchangedbyuser".

Example: User 1 has editor and approver rights. User 1 clicks on submit for approval and only User 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are getting the approval request. All good.

The problem appears after rejection of the campaign. When User 1 does the adjustments and clicks again on "Submit for Approval" the workflow does not start again, but the campaign has directly the status "Released".


  • We already tested to have the same workflow active twice. Did not work.
  • The "Restart Workflow" in Exeption Handling -> Rejected Workflow -> Action Result is not sufficient, because the restart is done automatically. There is a reason why the campaign got rejected. The user needs to edit the campaign and restart manually by clicking on "Submit for Approval."