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Is it posible to change "transaction/event types" WA WE

Former Member
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Dear Guru,

Can we change transaction/event types?

If we can change, we will able to separate number range.

We would like to define a new one such as

GR = Goods Receipt with PO and GR with out PO (Now "WE" is used for GR for PO only)

GI = Goods Issue

Thank you very much.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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WE is used for Good Receipt transactions

and WA is for Goods issue transactions.

What exactly u u wants to have different number range for different Movement type or what..?

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

This issue is closed by my user accept the standard function.

Thank you for all comment.

Former Member
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My first requirement, when we goods receipt with reference and with out reference, document type should be "GR" (MVT: 101, 501, 521) but the standard MIGO separates as MVT:101 -> WE (GR), 501,521 -> WA (GI).

Thank you

Former Member
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yes you can create new documents types like WE & WA , but you need to assign these document types to the Tcodes suppose if u have created ZE document type and you have assigned to T code mb01 if your user did GR by tcode MIGO_GR it will pick different number so you must assign new document type to all possible tcodes of GR.

if your having two company codes then its not possible to maintain two different document types for 2 company codes , because you cannot assign two document types to a single tcode.

