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写这篇认证故事的初衷: 记录一下认证的过程(技术路线为主,在系统里填单子、审批、盖章的过程不在本文讨论); 知识分享,后续负责相关认证的同事可以更直观地了解SAP IoT相关的认证类型,认证执行及技术实现过程; 方便认证单位了解及记录自己获取SAP IoT认证的过程。   本文分几部分介绍, SAP IoT认证类型总览 探索过程 – 认证类型选型失败 IoT Device Cloud认证过程 一.      SAP IoT认证类型总览 截止2018年10月,SA...
Code Inspector and ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit) are tools that help developer and quality managers to check and control the quality of ABAP code, both code inspector and ATC check can be triggered during TR release, and also integrated with ChaRM. However...
1 General Information1.1     About this documentThis document is about how to create own attributes in CCLM and implement BADI to extract data and set value for own created attribute, a step by step guide will be provided with snapshots.The next chap...
When creating service request on SOLMANREQU biz role, we don't have "attachment " assignment block as we have in incident. How can we add it?I am working on solman 7.1 SP12, customer requires to have this feature, anyone has such experience to share?...
1.        General InformationBased on our ITSM and Change Management project, we sometimes get requirement from customer to send email to specific recipient when status changes, e.g. to send email to processor when Incident status is changed from NEW...