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VC does not connect to Portal

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I'm using VC 6.0 Patch 2 on Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.

My problem is this:

When I launch VC and Select Data Services it tells me "Not connected to a Portal Server".

I notice a combo box in the top right labelled Portal with a stoplight next to it. I enter in http://<portalservername>:<serverport>; and a popup browser with my portal Welcome screen appears. I enter in what I think is a userid that exists in the R/3 backend system and which I believe is mapped in the Portal, however, after I press enter, the browser flickers and shows me the Welcome screen again.

If I close the browser, it pops up the same "Not connected to a Portal Server" message.

Does my user need a certain role or permission to allow for this connectivity? (Currently I have assigned all roles to this user.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


Sean Machado

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You have to be connected to the portal in order to access data services.

The login is the same as the one in the portal. Not a login to an R/3 system.

Moreover, in order to browse or search data services in that portal, using Visual Composer, you will need:

1. Systems configured in the portal (incl. aliases)

2. The user you use to login should be mapped to those systems (user mapping).

After you make sure you have these prerequisites (in the portal), you should be able to explore those data services in the portal using Visual Composer.

Hope I helped,


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Hello again,

I use the same login that I use when logging into the Portal and with that user I did the following in the Portal:

1. I created a system and saved it in the Portal Content folder. I successfully created an alias for it.

2. In User Administration -> User Mapping I search for my user id and select the alias I created in step 1. I map the user to the alias and enter in the proper parameters for my connection to my R/3 server. I save the user id map and close it. I completely log off the portal and then open the VC and Select Data Services. The same thing happens.

On the Welcome screen to the portal, I enter in the user id I just mapped and the screen flickers, showing me the Welcome screen again; it does not connect to the portal. As a test, I entered in bogus user id information to see what would happen, and an error message displays: "User authentication fails", so at least I know the user id is fine ... it has to be! I used it to configure things inside the portal!

Do you have any other ideas?

Thank you in advance,

Sean Machado

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Try to give the server name instead of entire path like if you have the url as, try giving http://servername:50000 and click on traffic light.

Other wise try giving the IP address of the server like This should get u the systems.

Hope this helps,



PS. Dont forget to award points if its useful/solved

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Hi Praveen,

thank you for the post, however, it did not work. When I clicked the stoplight, I was always getting the Portal Welcome screen prompting for login credentials.

I tried with http://servername:50000 and with http://IPaddress:50000.

In both cases the login screen comes up, but when I enter my Portal user ID and password, the screen flickers and repeats the Portal login screen again. When I close the popup I am told I'm not connected to a portal.

Does the user I log into the Portal with on this "stoplight" screen need some special permissions or something that I am not aware of or haven't done yet?

This is rather frustrating!!

Again, I thank anyone in advance for the help thus far,


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First make sure that you can connect to portal from VC. For that try importing, using SDM once again as given in Installation doc and as far as user id is concerned, try to login as portal administrator(Super or System admin) in case.



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Hi Praveen,

thank you for time.

I have two questions.

1. When I attempt to deploy those 2 SDAs again, I get a message indicating that I have already deployed them. How do I re-deploy them?

2. It just dawned on me that I may not have installed Patch 4 for SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2. I tried looking for it in SDN and in the Marketplace. Do you know where I might find this Patch and do you think it is the difference right now?

Thank you very much for your help so far,


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Hi Sean,

The name of the zip file is When u unzip this, You have SAP NWComposer folder and inside it you have two folders namely Installer and PortalAddons. Inside PortalAddons you need to deploy first and then that are inside EP6SP2 folder and restart the server.

for re-deploy choose the radiobutton in SDM which says "Redeploy SDA's/SWS's of unchanged version.

As well uninstall the VC and re-install. Sometimes this works. Let me know if u need anything else.

Hope this helps,



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Hi Praveen,

when I attempt to redeploy I get the same information message as before. "All selected SDAs have already been deployed before in the same or in a newer version."

Is there any way I can manually remove these SDAs and try again?



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In the SDM, on the same screen were you choose your SDA's, you can choose to override the SDA you upload, regardless of any version information. I think it's at the bottom of the screen.


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Hi Lior,

I wasn't able to find the override you were suggesting and even though I select the "Redploy" radiobutton at the bottom in Step 1 of 6, it proceeds to Step 3 and shows my SDAs as not deployable (I gather that from the legend). It does not proceed to Step 4, telling me my SDAs have already been deployed.

I am using SAP - SDM version 1.3/6.2 ... am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance and begin patient,
