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The difference between attachMatched & attachPatternMatched method in sap.ui.core.routing.Route

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Hi all,

I started to learn sapui5 one month ago and am now developing a simple web application. when dealing with routing, I noticed that some are using Router.getRoute("patternname").attachMatched(this._onRouteMatched, this) and others are using Router.getRoute("patternname").attachPatternMatched(this._routePatternMatched, this). Therefore, is there any difference between attachMatched & attachPatternMatched method? Moreover, though I checked the API, I can't see any explicit difference between them.

Do you have any idea? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


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rout a

   subrout b

if you hit b, the route will fire patternmatched, for the parent route, it will fire matched event