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SQL execution time in AMDP method analyzing

Former Member
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Hi experts!

Currently I develop a lot of AMDP procedures. So I faced a problem of effective session profiling and sql query real execution time analyzing. The only access I have is a developers access on ABAP level (using Hana DB Studio).

So now I do it this way:

Define a type for a table:

TYPES: begin of t_sql_log,



endof t_sql_log.

TYPES: tt_sql_log type STANDARD TABLE OF t_sql_log.

Then I create a value (it_sql_log) parameter of that type for my AMDP method.

And my AMDP method has smth like this:

declare dTSStart, dTS1, dTS2 timestamp;

declare nSec decimal;

select now() into dTS1 from dummy;

here is my SQL query execution

select now() into dTS2 from dummy;

select nano100_between( dTS1, dTS2 )/10000 into nSec from dummy;

it_sql_log = select * from :it_sql_log union all select 'my sql description', nSec from dummy;

So finally in debug mode I receive a “manually” recorded sql time execution in ms.

But as a former Oracle developer I’d like to get an opportunity to set a debug for a session and to analyze it later with a kind of profiler-software (sql execution time, real execution plan and so on) – generally without code modification.

Is it possible?

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why don't use sql trace, attached is link.