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Solution Manager Charm: Map Solution ID/ Branch to SMCR Order

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Dear all,

I am creating ZMCR (copy of SMCR) orders via E-Mail Inbound Processing in background. These are requests for changes which should be linked to a Branch of process type SMIM.

I create the ZMCR using class cl_ags_crm_1o_api.

My problem is to link the Solution ID/ Branch (process type SMIM) to that newly created ZMCR Request for change. I think the information could be in structure AIC_RELEASE_CYCL.

This is how the assignment block looks after i created the request for change in background:

This is how it looks if one creates the request for change via Web UI or by changing a "via background" created request for change:

Does some one know how to map/ link the SMIM process type to the ZMCR?

I checked table CRMD_LINK but didn't found a link between the two. And using SE38/ CRM_ORDER_READ i also did not find a entry in the ZMCR which looks like the SMIM-order.

Do you need any more information?

Any answers will be appreciated!

Thank you

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Hello all,

today I figured out how to connect a newly created Request for Change to a Release/Cycle. Table tsocm_cr_context is the one where the connection is stored.

My requirement is a E-Mail Inbound Szenario to create a new Request for Change and link that one to a SMIM Release/Cycle in dependance of a E-Mail Inbound incoming Parameter.

I save the RfC using the class cl_ags_crm_1o_api and afterwards done a database insert because other possibilities did not work.

The fields for the database entry can be received by this method: cl_aic_cm_release_api=>get_release_data_for_cycle.

If you have any questions, just let me know!



Please find my coding here:

DATA ls_release_data  TYPE aic_release_cycl.DATA: ls_cr_context TYPE tsocm_cr_context.

            iv_crm_guid     = ls_imp_fields-chg_cycle_guid "'F7420E0EBA271ED796A122F89C4F0783'IMPORTING
            es_release_data = ls_release_data
            no_data_found   =1OTHERS=2).IFsy-subrc <>0.
* MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
*            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.ENDIF."ChangezyklusSELECTSINGLE*INTO ls_cr_context FROM tsocm_cr_context
          WHERE guid      = ls_imp_fields-created_rfc_guid
          AND   item_guid = ls_imp_fields-created_rfc_guid .IFsy-subrc <>0."nichts gefundenCLEAR ls_cr_context.
          ls_cr_context-client =sy-mandt.
          ls_cr_context-guid   = ls_imp_fields-created_rfc_guid."GUID of the SMIM-object
          ls_cr_context-item_guid   = ls_imp_fields-created_rfc_guid."GUID of the SMIM-object
          ls_cr_context-process_type  = ls_imp_fields-process_type."Processtype of the RfC
          ls_cr_context-project_id = ls_release_data-smi_project.
          ls_cr_context-solution_id = ls_release_data-release_crm_id.
          ls_cr_context-slan_id = ls_release_data-release_component.
          ls_cr_context-sbra_id = ls_release_data-branch_id.INSERTINTO tsocm_cr_context VALUES ls_cr_context.