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SOAP -> RFC scenario EOIO

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I have configured this scenario and am able to have it work fine from the runtime workbench but

now I am trying to develop a web service client for it and am not sure how this will work.

The scenario is , Netweaver CE calls web service (SOAP) in PI, PI calls RFC in ERP.

I want the RFC to be called in EOIO so EOIO needs to be passed to PI when the soap service is called.

How can you generate a client in netweaver CE that will call the web service with EOIO QOS flag ?

Can you just set this flag somewhere ?

Can other clients also call this web service with EOIO flag ?


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In order to generate a client in Netweaver CE, you need to generate WSDL along with the URL on Outbound service interface( I.e SOAP Service interface) . You can refer in SDN on how to generate WSDL on Outbound service interface.



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I had a similar requirement(Best Effort) where i have used the below URL format to make the scenario work....The quality of service should be added at the end of the URL, with the "Use Query String " and "Use Encoded Headers " parameters being checked in your soap channel.

The url to be used is -


For EOIO - &QualityOfService=ExactlyOnceInOrder&QueueId=1234

For EO - &QualityOfService=ExactlyOnce



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Are you sure this works for EOIO? I seem to be having problems with this.. I am sending the QueueId in the url however it is ignored, the one configured in the channel always sticks. Any suggestions? I don't think this is meant to work for EOIO..