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Service Desk Status Profile

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Hello colleagues!

I want to change Language Status Profile for SLFN001 profile (transaction CRMBS02). But when I try to change language system shows me the following error message:

First translate user status to RU language

Message no. BS211


You can only change the maintenance language of a status profile if all user status defined have been translated into the new language.


First translate all user status of this profile into language RU or choose a language into which the user status have been translated already.

But I can't understand where it could be done...

I have idea: delete standart profile SLFN0001 and recriate it in my national language.

Would it be correct or not?

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Former Member
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At what point are you getting there error?

Did you try selecting the status profile and then choosing Go To --> Translation --> Status Translation?

Definitely do not delete the standard profile, if anything make a copy of it and then modify the copy.

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I'm getting this error when trying to drill down into Profile:

Start BS02 -> Position cursor on SLFN0001 profile -> Change language from DE to RU -> Double click on profile (or Shift+F6) = error.

Maybe I must define additional fields in EN language and then translate them into Russian through your described method?

Former Member
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Yes - make a copy of the standard and then try my method.