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Sender FTP channel often hung up

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

We have this one sender FTP channel that often hung up (stops polling). Once we restart (stop and then start) the channel, it does poll again.

Only this particular channel has this issue, we don't experience this issue on other FTP channels we have in our system.

We tried to add this parameter "clusterSyncMode = lock" but the channel still hung up from time to time.

Configuration of the channel is as follows:

Connect Mode: Per file transfer

Poll interval: 120 secs

Processing mode: delete

Timeout: is blank (we have not set any timeout)

Should we set a timeout value? If yes, what would be the recommend timeout duration?

Please advise



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Carlo,

The problem could be in your PI SP level. Please check if your PI SP version is affected by this note 1687688 - FTP sender channel stops polling
