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SAP Cloud SDK : Display activity Note in the PDF form in table cell

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Hi Experts,

I have requirement of display activity notes containing more than 255 characters in the PDF print form in table cell.

Here is my CustomOB.


businessobject CustomOB


[DependentObject(TextCollection)] node TxtNote;

node ClosedActivity [0,n]{

[Transient] element ClosedActivityCB: Indicator;

[Transient] element TransactionID : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_MEDIUM_Name;

[Transient] element Description : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;

[Transient] element ActivityType : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;

[Transient] element Status : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;

[Transient] element Note : LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;


In an action script I retrieved closed activity details, like below script,

var CompActQry = Activity.QueryByElements;

var CompActSel = CompActQry.CreateSelectionParams(); CompActSel.Add(CompActQry.PartyID,"I","EQ",this.CustomerID); CompActSel.Add(CompActQry.LifeCycleStatusCode,"I","EQ","3");

var CompActRes = CompActQry.Execute(CompActSel);

var CAChild : elementsof CustomeFacet.ClosedActivity;

foreach (var CA in CompActRes)


CAChild.TransactionID = CA.ID.RemoveLeadingZeros();

CAChild.Description = CA.SubjectName;

CAChild.ActivityType = CA.TypeCode.GetDescription();

CAChild.Status = CA.LifeCycleStatusCode.GetDescription();

CAChild.Note = CA.Note;


But CAChild.Note only can contain 255 characters. As I declared LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;

I mapped the Note to print form to print note on PDF.

How can I declered "element Note" that I can print more than 255 charaters.

How can I use textCollection 'TxtNote'? Should I declare element Note as TxtNote?

My output PDF will be like below, All activity notes should be print in complete content.

Pls Help me ASAP.

Thanks and Regards

Swati Goswami.

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Hi Swati,

Try FormattedText data type, it can have more characters.
