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SAP BI 4.2 SP07 Patch 8 - automation workflow - Scenarios are always in Pending Status

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the version we are using is BI 4.2 SP7 PATCH 8. setup automation framework and made sure the services are running. Landscape is registered, but scenarios are always in pending state.

this is what I can see in ‘artemis.log’.

AMQ221053: Disallowing use of vulnerable protocol ‘SSLv2Hello’ on acceptor ‘ssl-acceptor’. See for more details.
21:35:52,288 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221052: Deploying topic jms.topic.94408-taskReceiveAck
21:35:54,809 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221053: Disallowing use of vulnerable protocol ‘SSLv2Hello’ on acceptor ‘ssl-acceptor’. See for more details.
21:35:56,383 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221052: Deploying topic jms.topic.executeWorkflowList
21:35:56,452 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221052: Deploying topic jms.topic.stopWorkflowList
21:35:56,494 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221052: Deploying topic jms.topic.clearWorkflowList
21:35:56,525 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221052: Deploying topic jms.topic.taskTimeOut

I have checked bootstrap file and have only one. the cluster name used by SIA and Landscape registration are same. i am not sure what else to check.

Please can someone help ?

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Have you completed the configuration by also making a copy of the "activemq.client.truststore" file from the ".......\AdminConsole\MessagingQueueBroker\etc\ssl" directory into the 2 directories ".......\AdminConsole\Automation Framework\custom\mq_client_certificate" AND ".......\AdminConsole\Agent\custom\mq_client_certificate".

Stop Automation Services before copying and restart after copying.

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Hi Ayman, Many Thanks for the suggestion and when I logged into check these files were there. But all I did was to copy and replace them again, started the Automation services and everything started working. Thanks a lot for the help. Please could you help with below ?

Now I am stuck in a different situtaion which is , when I choose the webi documents to chnage source from UNV to UNX, its not the cuid its taking but its displaying the full name of the webi. same with universe mapping as well (not the cuid's). the examples I have seen , when a webi document is chosen, its picking up the cuid's and also allowing to type. In my scenaio the Document box is not editable. only drop down and when i pick a document it is just picking up the name instead of ID.. is this correct behavior ?

then when I runt this scenario, its failing. when I clicked on view results to see why its failed, it shows a message ''Results not Found'. I cant seem to figure out why it is failing :(... any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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If you can post your additional question as a new question, please include any errors in the log files


I think the example you saw is for the OLD version,

see KBA 2906634 - How to update Web Intelligence reports from unv to unx universes using the BI Automation Framework

and the related video from SAP

How to Change the Source Universe in SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Documents

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Thanks Ayman. I will check and post the additional queires as new questions. I will check the links you have provided. Thanks again.