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remove the "send to"-link in discussions

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Is it possible to remove the "send to"-link in discussions?

Does anyone have expierence with this issue?


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Former Member
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Thanks for your help!

Your expierence is wonderful.

But I am sorry, I need a solution for the layoutset SingleDiscExplorerContributor. The problem is that I can´t see a breadcrumb there.

I hope someone can help me!

Bye Sybille

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this was a tough one!

OK, first for the public: The problem (just if you wonder: I just know, it's not written in here) was that within a CollRoom a standard Discussion iView has been built in (there was some reason for that). So first, we have been on the wrong track concerning the possible iView(s) and with that, concerning possible customizations via flexible UI.

The standard Discussion iView does not use FlexUI but is built on - I think - an old technique, where the screenflow is defined in a XML (Discussions.xml, if you are interested in; easy to read if you know Struts for example).

So, I'll publish the most important result right now, it is totally hard coded what action links show up. The <i>really</i> strange thing was that Robert Briese showed me a demo portal installation, where the Send To link appeared, when on my dev installation it didn't (but that was so strange that I promised to kill this open question tonight). We have different patch levels, but in the end that wasn't the difference...

OK, I went down into the dusty code some centuries old, just to give you the track: DiscussionPost[List|Tree]Control, DiscussionBaseControl, CollaborationControlUtil, DiscussionApplicationLayer. And when I arrived almost at hell, I saw this line, which definitely <i>should</i> have nothing to do with the question if the Send To link appears or not (but this line is everything in fact):

return topicSize != 1 || !discussion.isSingleTopic(discussion.getTopics().get(0));

That means... I saw no Send To link... because on my Discussion iView, there was only <i>one</i>, when on Roberts there have been three topics (and! we are talking about Send To links for postings, not for topics)! Yeah, that's evident, isn't it?! ;-[

OK, an OSS message will be opened (the <i>non</i>-appearing link violated ).

Anyhow, to get the link not appearing, as wished here, hacking into the code has to be done (delete lines 750-752 in DiscussionBaseControl). This definitely should be customizable, I think...

Hope it helps

good night
