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Pre-Query + Webtemplate + Sender/Receiver assignment

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I have a problem with the Variables screen of my query. The situation is as follows:

- I have Query (let's call it Q1) with a "Replacement Path" variable (V1).

- The pre-query associated to V1 has 3 variables (va1, va2, va3)

- I also have a Web template (W1) that is used to display query Q1.

- In W1, the checkbox for attribute "Force Variables Screen Display" is not checked. That is, I want that the variables screen doesn't come up by default. According to the attribute description, if the checkbox is not checked, "...Display only appears if Mandatory variables are not Filled...", and I don't have any mandatory variables.

- I use a Sender/Receiver assignment (Tr. RSBBS) to jump from another query (Q2) into W1, assigning values for the 3 variables va1, va2, and va3.

- As a result of the "jump" from Q2 to W1, I get the Variables Screen of Q1 displayed (with the right values for variables va1, va2 and va3), and only after clicking on "Execute" I get to see the data...

Now, what I need is to display the data first, and not the variables screen... Any Ideas?

I hope the description of the scenario is clear... If not, please let me know...

Kind regards,


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Hi Damian,

Just trying to understand the situation before volunteering any comment:

Q1 is used in W1.

In RSBBS you have maintained an assignment from Q2 to W1.

Q1 also has a replacement path variable V1...meaning that there is another query, lets say QPre which has variables va1, va2 and va3, and this is a pre query to Q1.

If this is correct then I believe that the following is happening:

. You execute the Jump from Q2 to W1 (or Q1).

. This causes QPre (pre query) to execute first.

. This is why the variables va1, va2 and va3 pop up.

. SAP says: Another query started on the Web (with the standard Web template for ad-hoc analysis) or another Web application, where the entry variants are filled by the selection requirements and item definitions of the selected cells in the sender query.

. Going by this may be you can check your standard web template for the "Force Variables Screen Display" attribute.

Hope this helps...