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PowerBuilder 12.5 web service behaving differently in IDE than in EXE

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I'm currently developing an application that consumes a Web Service using PowerBuilder 12.5. All the methods work perfectly fine inside the PowerBuilder IDE, but after deploying, some methods do not work when run from the EXE file. Some give RuntimeError, while some others simply hang forever.

All methods work fine inside the IDE, and the Web Service uses .NET engine. I tried a full build, copying DLL's into the project folder, creating proxies again, redeploying the web service with a different assembly name, and nothing worked. The behaviour is always exactly the same: Some specific methods don't work outside the IDE.

Anyone has any idea what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance.

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I didn't find a way to make the web service method after deployment with EXE/DLL and machine code, but it does work if I deploy as PCode and a PBD file.

So I'm gonna stick with that from now on for all my apps, specially considering it compiles around 20x faster and the file size is smaller too.