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Need help getting started. "Hello World"

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Could someone help me get up and running with a simple "Hello World" app please. I'm having problems getting started because of a bunch of reasons.

I started off by downloading and installing "CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_1.msi". <- Is this correct?

Then I downloaded the API and Developer guides.

The Developer Guide starts me off with a simple VS 2010 app where I must right click and add a new CrystalReport item, then it opens up a web page because it's being used the first time etc... The guide instructs me to download the "Update Service". I don't know which of the listed downloads this is.

Several other issues from the guide are:

1) "From the Crystal Reports menu, click Check for Updates." <- No Crystal Reports menu in VS 2010. Should it be there?

2) "From the Toolbox, open the Reporting node to locate the CrystalReportViewer control." <- I cannot find this component.

All the above makes me think that Crystal is not installed, but when installing again it says it is already installed.

Our situation is as follows...

We have a collection of Crystal Reports designed in Crystal Reports 9 (and 11) - used by one of our existing projects.

(We do not need a new Crystal Report Designer.)

We'd like to call/show these same reports from a VS 2010 (C#) , Silverlight, WCF platform using the latest free Crystal package available on this site.

If I can just get a simple c# Forms app going with a proof of concept then that should be enough to get me going.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Moved to SDK forum

Go to this page:

Bottom of the page is all of the info for CR for VS 2010. First you need to install the plug-in package onto your developer PC that has VS 2010 installed. Installing just the runtime is not enough.

Then when you create your project set it to 4.0 full framework and either x86 or x64, not AnyCPU.

Then search here, lot of info....


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Where can I find that Plug-In you mention?

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If you only installed the "CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_1.msi", unistall it. The do the following:

Download the CRVS2010 install from [here|] [original link is broken];

Read the [SAP Crystal Reports version for Visual Studio 2010 Installation Guide|]

Read the blog [My day (1) training on CR 2010 Beta|] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken];

Look at the following demos:


[Overview of Export to XSLX with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010|] - note; you do not have to use the WPF viewer, this is just a demo and another option for you. I'd start with the plain Jane win viewer (see sample links bellow).


[Sorting and Filtering|]

[Dynamic Grouping|]

[3rd party blog on how to|]

Remember to cosult the Developer Guides:

[Report Application Server .NET API Guide|]

[Report Application Server .NET SDK Developer Guide|]

[SAP Crystal Reports .NET API Guide|]

[SAP Crystal Reports .NET SDK Developer Guide|]

And finally, look at the sample apps here:

Oh. And to create a simple "hello world" app. I recommend that you use a saved data repprt. Start with a win app. Add the CR viewer to it. In the load form event add the code:

CrystalreportViewer1.ReportSource = <path to saved data report>


You can use a report without saved data - it will prompt for the db logon and work from therre - as long as the datasouorce exists. Later on, you can code teh db logon.


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Edited by: Ludek Uher on Sep 2, 2011 10:08 AM

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Your post is legendary!

Thanks a ton for your time and effort in helping me out!

I'm going to go through all this today and then I'll let you know. (and mark as answered etc)