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N:1 Multi-Mapping by using NW BPM

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Hi Gurus,

I have a requirement to merge data from two source messages into a target message. NW BPM has been used in the scenario to merge the data. The operation mapping for the data merge step has been successfully imported to the process in the NWDS.

however the message sent out from BPM is always empty. my questions are:

1. is there a way to monitor the import and export message of the operation mapping used by BPM? I cannot find the relevant message in the message monitor.

2. how can the messages be merged via NW BPM? there is no correlation ID used in two source messages. what happened is just merge the data from multiple source messages into one message. for example:

message 1:




message 2:




target message:





note: I am not talking about the mapping step of BPM. I am talking about how this can be fulfilled via the imported operation mapping. the real logic is too complex to be fulfilled by using BPM build-in graphic mapping.

here is the process flow designed

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Hello Stephen,

Get the message in NWBPM and use the mapping step .

In the mapping step use append mode to one message to other.

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I'm not sure whether I understand you. I have one APERAK and one ORDERS message which I combine to one ORDRSP message. I've created the automated activity like this:

How should I combine the APERAK and ORDERS message? This is done by the input mapping of the automated activity, right?

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you can refer the below pattern

If your stuck somewhere let me know.

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Thanks, this should work well when you want to combine multiple instances of the same message structure. That is not the case here: I want to merge two different message structures to one.

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Aperak used in wait message right?

Seems to be good.

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Yes, it does work good, except for the mapping part which always ends up with an empty target message. The Data Objects DO_ORDERS and DO_Aperak contain the right values.

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Did you map them to the correct data artifacts in all the steps.?

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Just a straight forward mapping. The real mapping logic comes in the operation mapping.

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yes..I understand..but if you missing mapping the artifacts at any step you will miss the data.

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I implemented a work-around: I added the ORDERS and APERAK message to a single canonical format and created the (1:1) mapping from this canonical format. This works for now.

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Nice to hear.Please close the thread.

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I can't: it's not my thread

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sorry for the late close.