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Multiple Columns

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I have a report requirement to show some annual financial data in columns (a seperate column for each year). I have about 12 fields that are populated with data for each year. Instead of showing data in rows I'd like to show each year as a column with the headings essentially in column 1. I have read up on crosstab reports, but dont think they are suited to this situation. I have also experimented with multi columns configured in section expert, however I can't see any way of showing column headings in the first column when using this configuration.

I am using Crystal Reports 2008 that comes bundled with Visual Studio 2008, although am considering upgrading to the full version - just in case that makes a difference at all in terms of feature set that may effect the answer to the above question.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Former Member
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I believe you can use a cross-tab for this, but you may need to manually create your "column 1 headings" to the left of the cross-tab as text objects. Can you give an example of what a couple of records from your tables/data looks like? It would help me figure out how to answer this. Thanks.