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Hi SDners,

I am new to MDM .I am trying to work with ABAP API.

As per the guide I have configured the mdmapic, but getting an User not found exception.I have created the same R/3 user in MDM.

Can anyone guide plz?

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What I anticipate is u might have created the user in the wrong in R/3 when u logon u even if u type the user name in lower case there is a conversion routiene which converts it into upper case. So in MDM while creating the user u need to make sure that the User name is in Upper Case as there is no conversion routiene in MDM to take care of this.

I faced this problem once .Just check out.

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Thanks Prabu ..its working but its giving another error Raw Data Socket error .What to do with it?

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This is due to network connection problem .Also make sure that the correct addons are installed as per the kernel version.