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Master node swapping

Active Contributor
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Hello all,

I would like to know where I would start looking to check why on a restart would the the secondary master node take over from the primary master node?

So on restart Master Node (xxx-1) is taken by the secondary master node (xxx-2). Generally the master node must be the Primary Master, Unable to trgger loads when the secondary was acting as the master node.

Another restart solved the issue but if I want to give an RCA on this where would be the best place to start looking?

A presume nameserver traces at the time of the restart but is this config maintained anywhere? In relation to the assignment of the primary and secondary master nodes?



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Former Member
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HI Michael,

I see 2 questions in your message and here my response

1. Where would you check when there is a failover of master node?

I would suggest to check the NAMESERVER trace log on both XXX-1 and XXX-2 at the time of the issue. You should see a keyword FAILOVER right after the timestamp in the NameServer trace file that indicates all events related

2. Where is the configuration for the MASTER/STANDBY/WORKER setup maintained?

This setup is configured using the nameserver.ini on the OS, and typically seen as indicated below



master: XXX-1: 30001 .....

worker: XXX-1....

active_master: XXX-1:30001

roles_XXX-2: worker

It can also be accessed using the HANA STUDIO-->CONFIGURATION-->nameserver.ini-->landscape

You can make changes on these configuration files and the next startup should follow the changes

it would be good if you can share your current status of this configuration to understand if you have any setting that is leading to an issue

Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Ended up being an underlying hardware issue.
