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Making an ObjectStatus item "active" and clickable

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Hello All,

I'm trying to make an ObjectStatus item clickable. It seems to me that this should be easily done as there is a property to ObjectStatus of 'active' and the documentation says of it..."[this] Indicates if the ObjectStatus text and icon can be clicked/tapped by the user."

However, I've tried many ways to get this to work and it doesn't. I can do the same to ObjectAttribute and it works, but not ObjectStatus. Below is my code.

Note: The 'active' in the attributes is for illustration only. Also, you may ask if I can use something other than ObjectList. If you have a recommendation, please let me know. I'm using the Object List because of the nice 'favorite' ObjectMarker that I can easily employ.

_accountArea: function(sItemPath) {
	var masterList = this.getView().byId("masterList");
	var that = this;
	var itemTemplate = new sap.m.ObjectListItem({
		title: "{fullName}",
		type: "Active",
		press: [this.GoToDetail, this],
		showMarkers: true,
                firstStatus: new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
			text: "{MainAddress/phone}", 
this doesn't work->	active: true,
			icon: "sap-icon://call", 
			press: that.handleTelPress
		secondStatus: new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
			text: "{MainAddress/email}", 
this doesn't work->	active: "true", 
			icon: "sap-icon://email", 
			press: that.handleEmailPress
		attributes: [new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
			text: "{roleDescription}", 
this works ->		active: true, 
			press: that.handleTelPress
		}), new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
			text: "{MainAddress/street}"
		}), new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
			text: "{MainAddress/city}, 
		markers: [new sap.m.ObjectMarker({
			type: {
				path: "favorite",
				formatter: that.formatter.favorite

Here is what it looks like. The Attribute is clickable (Sold-To Party), the Status is not (telephone and email).

Thanks for any insight, I really appreciate it. When you work on this stuff alone, sometimes the obvious is not so obvious.


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Active Contributor
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'active' property is available only from version 1.54

Object status is clickable from 1.54 but blue color link wont be visible.. checkout the below JSBin both email and phone are clickable


0 Kudos

Thanks so much Srikanth, I am indeed on version 1.52.11. When I simply change my Webide project settings to 1.54 or greater it works. I spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out before posting...when all it was is my version. Ugh. Thanks again.
