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Language names provided in Portal not same when I retrieve ISO Languages

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I retrieved the list of languages in ISO using Locale.getISOLanguages(),but I do not see many sap provided languages in this list.

For example we donT have English(American) OR aRABIC(EGYPTIAN) etc.

Please let me know how I can find such languages or atleast how do I find the ISO Codes for these languages.

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Hi Harish,

> we donT have English(American) OR aRABIC(EGYPTIAN)

These are complete locales, that is the first for example "en_US". The UME differentiates among the language - in fact a locale - and the resident's country, a sinmple country object. See management engine - version 4.0/com/sap/security/api/iuser.html#getlocale() for details.

> how do I find the ISO Codes for these languages

With the above having said, these "languages" in fact are locales, so for this "language/country" combination, used as language identifier, there don't exist any ISO Codes. Also see and the link to ISO639 for further information.

Hope it helps


PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!