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Issue during Client Copy

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Gurus,

We want to perform client copy from

PRD client 100 to DEV client 700 , before that we performed "remote client copy" TEST run , and found that it failed, with some messages like

Table CE11000 is incompatible, fields are missing in both systems

Table CE21000 is incompatible, fields are missing in both systems

Table CE31000 is incompatible, fields are missing in both systems

Table T2500 is convertible to the RFC system, field missing locally

Table T25A0 is convertible to the RFC system, field missing locally

Table ZLRDET is convertible to the RFC system, field missing locally

6 Tables cannot be converted

There are 94 non-critical differences in the table structures

Table definition K9RPRD2220006 missing in the target system

Critical differences: Missing tables: 1

It seems that a lot of changes were made in the DEV system but not transported to PRD.

We were trying to perform "client export/import" on the DEV700 client and it stuck midway with error stating "K9RPRD2220006 was not in the NAMETAB".

I have some queries

1) Will the client "export/import" be successful if we do it in a Fresh client say 800 in DEV system ??

2) Since there are lot of tables which require changes in DEV to map it accordingly with PRD, is there a work around with which we can "Ignore" this errors ??

Looking forward for your reply !!

Thank You.



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Whenever you are doing remote client copy, you need to make sure that the repository strucutres of both the systems are same. This can be checked in the Tcode scc9 of the target system. So, in the Dev you go to the tcode scc9 and there you will give all the details and there is a tab on the top, RFC compariosion check. Click on that and it will check whether the repository structure is same. It will also display the results. If this is failed then, you cannot do the copy. But, there is an option to exclude certain tables. This can be done in the same Tcode. go to the menu and there go to expert setting and click on the tab tables. There you mention the table names which you want to exclude and start you client copy. It will copy all the data except the tables mentioned there.



Former Member
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Hello Srini,

We did the same thing.. we used the "test" mode and excluded the above tables but unfortunately these are still getting detected.

I actually wonder how client copy is done in big organizations where lot of developers make changes to the "Workbench" objects and they never "transport" them to PRD system.

Isn't the DEV system for "new" developments ?? Is there no chance that these development fail and they are never transported to PRD environment ??

Can anyone suggest , if there is any other way to get only the data from PRD system to DEV ??

Considering that "system refresh" is not feasible as there is space crunch in DEV system



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In most of the organizations, there is one quality system between production and development where client copy/system refreshes are carried out. Production data should not be in development system as it is security issue as well.

Also, that is one of the limitations of 2 system landscape.

