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installing SAP using VMware on Windows Vista

Former Member
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Hi Everyone!

I recently bought a laptop with Windows Vista preinstalled in it.

I know that i cannt install SAP into it without VMware.

Can anyone guide me through the steps to install SAP onto my Laptop using VMware on windows vista.


A newbee

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Install VMWare, install Windows Server 2003 and install SAP.


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Hi Markus,

I have same situation of Rahul Agarwal.

I bought a laptop with Windows Vista preinstalled.

I am begging in SAP World, i just finished an ABAP Academy and now I wish to install "SAP NetWeaver 7.0 - ABAP Trial"(downloaded from sdn.sp) to practice and improve my studies to certification.

I read some other problems placed in this Forum and got by some people that Windows Vista are not suportted and by anothers that its supported using VMWare.

I tried access the link you mentioned ""

but i am not authorized :o(

Could you please send me the detail about about VMWAre, etc... if its possible ?


Many thanks in advance,

André Akio


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Vista is not supported (yet) - it may be in the future.

As of now you need VMWare and

- install Windows 2003 into VMware and use that for your SAP installation

- install Windows XP (will work)

- use the on the SDN provided image with Linux which is just imported to VMWare and booted
