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I want a footer only after the end of MAIN

Former Member
0 Kudos

I want the footer to be dynamic - if the details flow to another page (and there could be many overflow pages) I only want the footer to be printed when the MAIN is completed.

setting the output options to "only after the end of main" does not work.

can someone tell me how to set this?

please i have debugged for days and tried many things

the main section has a table - and wont let me place a conditional logic within it.

please and thanks,


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Julia,

Add a footer window and add condition as SFSY-PAGE = SFSY-FORMPAGES.

This will check that its last page and will print the footer.

Hope this will help.


Former Member
0 Kudos


Your approach worked best for my form.

But i added some extra - for my form i have a constant last page with my company terms and conditions.

I want the footer to be printed at the end of main - on the last page prior to the company terms and conditions page.

I added program lines at the end of MAIN window to set my page counter to be

IF sfsy-formpages > 1

z_page_cnt = ( sfsy-formpages - 1 )


z_page_cnt = sfsy-formpages


and then on my footer window i check to see if the current page is equal to my page number.


thanks again to all who helped - and BTW you can't add a text window inside of the MAIN table area - at least that purposed solution sounded good to me and i tried it - but could never get it to work.

Thanks !
