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How to use assembly created by PB.NET 12.6 in .NET 2.0

0 Kudos


We have an application in PB8 and a web application with VS2005. This web application is using DW.NET 2.5 to print the reports created by PB8. Now we upgrade PowerBuilder to version 12.6. The reports created in PB12.6 cannot be imported by DW.NET 2.5 anymore.

I try to create a project .NET Assembly in PB.NET. I also register this assembly as COM component with command REGASM and GACUTIL. But in web project, I cannot reference to this assembly. It’s a newer version of .NET framework and cannot add to VS2005. It does not appear also in the list of COM component in Add Reference popup.

How can I use this assembly in VS2005 with .NET 2.0?



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Richard;

  FYI: I am not sure if you know this but, Appeon is taking over PowerBuilder from SAP. We are just waiting for SAP to sign the contract with Appeon. This was announced by SAP Sr VP Dirk Boessmann at last years PB Conference.

  In last weeks webinar presentation on the Future Direction of PB, Appeon CEO Armeen Mazda eluded to a new DW.Net built from the ground up that Appeon was planning on working on & releasing. This would be an up-to-date DW.Net using the latest .Net technologies and DW features - plus, this would be a VS plug-in vs what you can build today in PB.Net (Isolated VS shell) as a Custom Visual User Object .Net Assembly that you can then plug into your PB Classic Winform or VS project.

  For more information and be able to and pose your DW.Net question directly to Appeon - I would suggest that you join the Future of PowerBuilder webinars! When you join the webinar series too, the old sessions are also now online to registrants to review (catch-up).  


Regards ... Chris

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chris...

This new DW.Net could deploy to Web Apps? I thought I heard this wasn't the case.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Good point ... I have no idea if the plug-in will be ASP.Net compliant vs just Winform. A great question though for Appeon at this point in the early development planning cycle for  

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Richard... Upgrading from VS2005 to VS2010+ is not an option?

The assembly you created in PB.NET can be "ported" to a PB 11.x .net assembly target? PB 11.x is using .net 2 for .net targets.


0 Kudos

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for your reply. Currently, our application is using "old" technology which is not supported by VS2010. I don't have PB 11.x also. Is there another solution for this problem?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Andreas;

FYI: Here are the PB to .Net version mappings (for either PB.Net or PB Classic) ...

PB                       .Net

======               ======

11.x                        2.0

11.5.x                     2.0

12.x                        2.0 / 3.5

12.5.x                     3.5 / 4.0

12.6                        4.0

Regards ... Chris

Former Member
0 Kudos

You are right.

What I did forgot, and you are totally right is that pb classic 12.0 and 12.1 is tied to .net 2!


Former Member
0 Kudos

If by "old" technology which is not supported by VS2010, you refer to DataWindow.Net I do still have applications using DataWindow.Net in VS2010, on .net 4. A .net 2 assembly can be used in VS2010. Actually I have a DataWindow.Net event in VS2013!

To do that you have to modify your app.config and add then following line in the configuration section:

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"/>

Of course relying on a deprecated technology (such as DataWindow.Net) isn't the best solution.
