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How to Show Three Measures in Guaze Component

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Hi Expert's,

I got One requirement In Design studio Guaze Component For that I have Installed SDK Component But Here we Can Show Single Needle with One measure value only but I need three Needles Two Show Three Measure values Image Mentioned Below  Is there any Option Or Any Component to Achieve This.I have Google it I did not Find Any solution on This. could you Please Help On This.

Best Regards,


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As Mustafa mentioned, a gauge is not the visualization that you want to use for this scenario.  I'm very familiar with their use case, having used a gauge as the learning device in the SDK tutorial blog.

In general, radial charts such as pie charts are not a good way of displaying information, because the use can't make comparison about relative sizes.  Doughnuts are even worse than pie charts.  If you ever want to hide information in plain sight, a doughnut is your visualization of choice.  Gauges are radial charts, but they only work because you are restricting the number of measures to one, perhaps two if you display the goal/max. 

The bullet might be an option.  I'm a militant spartan myself when it comes to information design and consider bullet charts visually cluttered.  I'd suggest a column with reference lines.

That said, if your users are dead set on using a gauge, you have three options:

  1. Two gauges, one shows actual and goal.  The other shows actual and capacity.
  2. One gauge, with the max set at either goal or capacity and the other is displayed using conditional formatting.
  3. Modify a gauge extension - such as the community SDK one or the tutorial one to add the third measure.