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How to set currecy symbol as per server or local system culture

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Dear All,

We have currency field for which we have set system default currency format in Number tab of Format Object of crystal report but still it is showing the $ symbol ?

What would be the solution ? Any idea , we are using VS 2010 Crystal Report In Build.

Thanking you,

Miral Shah

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What version of Visual Studio are you using?


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Let me change my question:   Are you using the SAP Crystal Reports version for Visual Studio that you can find here with VS 2010 or are you using the SDK that came with earlier versions of Crystal?

If you're using CR for VS, what service pack are you using?


Former Member
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Hello Miss Dell,

Thank your quick reply and assistance. I m using CR with VS 2010 and its version runtime version is 64 Bit and all dll version of crystal report is 13.0.2000.0

I expecting same output after i do release and publish of my web project.

Thanking you,

Miral Shah

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First off, I would try upgrading to SP12 of the SDK - you're on SP5.  If that doesn't resolve the issue, then this might be a bug.  At that point, we may have to get to take a look at it.


0 Kudos

Hi Miral,

First you cannot set the currency symbol to System Default because if you check on the Use Currency symbol it goes to custom:

System Number format does not handle the Currency symbol.

Next issue is if you click the Customize button you get this UI:

You cannot paste in any symbol, it has to belong to the font you are using. To specify start up Character Map and select your font:

click on the symbol you want to use and then Select and then Copy.

Now you can paste it into the CR UI:

This will not work if that font is not installed on the users PC so try to use a common font or like I used as the Arial Unicode MS.

An example is if you copy this character ¥ and then paste it into the Currency symbol box you will see it in CR Designer but may or may not see it in the Viewer.

So depending on the font you select, which symbol you use and how you set it depends on if the Windows app or WEB app is able to view the symbol. Also requires the font to be installed on each PC and/or WEB Server.

So now the real issue...

Your value I assume comes from a database field and that value is for example Canadian Dollars which is the $. Now you want to display the currency symbol based on the persons local so not you would see a £ in front of your Canadian dollar number???? As you can see this would be completely wrong and misleading.

So you have a few ways to handle this:

#1. In your data source specify what value the currency was saved in and have a file with the currency symbol and then simply use it in the Currency formula, click on the X+2 button and simply select your CurrencySymbol field.

Or if you really want you could use this formula function - ContentLocale and it is based on the Locale of the PC but this gets tricky to handle due to the above explanation...

So, what exactly are you trying to do and what is the database you are using and anything else to explain why you want to change Symbols?


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Dear Mr.Don Williams,

Thanks a lot for wonderful explanation. Explanation is so clear that it ill make life easy for new developer like me.

Let me explain my problem very precisly as under

We have money type sql server 2008 or 2005 field in database and it is curency in CR VS 2010 report. I dont store currency symbol in database. We want to it come from pc or server culture , because we have multiple client in various contries having different currency.

When we change culture in development pc and run the report from VS 2010 it is working completely fine but when we publish our report in IIS then it is not taking culture as per IIS Net Globalization setting or server culture.

I hope you got my concerns , if we resolve this issue it would be great help to all sap crystal report developer and highly oblidge to you for replying me.

Thanking you,

Miral Shah