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How to loop and update the local table in hana?

Former Member
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Hi expert,

Recently, I encounter the question that in calculation view with SQL script that couldn't call the non-read procedure, the requirement as bellowed:

Source table data like:

Account 63010000 / Amount 200

We needed to alpha convert account 63010000 to 0063010000, I have already done the alpha procedure, I want use cursor to loop every single line, then call procedure and update the local table to do the alpha conversion, but the issue was I couldn't do any insert/update in SQL script, is there a work round that can meet my requirement? Looking forward any help from you.

Thanks very much!

Best regards,

Sean cai

Active Participant
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Hi Sean,

Can you provide more details and also put it logically so that we can understand better what you are trying to do ?



Former Member
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Hi Poonam,

Sorry for misunderstanding, the details logic is :

We want do the alpha conversion in SQL script calculation view:

1.In procedure "ZUSER"."test" contains the alpha conversion logic like Account 63010000->Account 0000000066010000, you can check the attachment.

2.In SQL script calculation view will call this non-read only procedure, the error raised, you can check the attachment.

As my understanding , SQL script calculation view couldn't call non-read only procedure, My question is there a work round can meet my requirement? thanks for your help.

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Why the error message is shown should be clear by the error message displayed (you cannot call a non-read only procedure in a read-only procedure/function - and a scripted calc. view is read only).

But the question is why you use that low performance implementation you described? It is not clear why you use a cursor, the temporary table and that logic to identify if the column contains only numbers.

If you would have done a search you would maybe have found great blogs about the topic to identify if a column has only number values. Please check the great blog here.

Having that information you could simply do a select to do the conversion. Following a little dummy example (column = the column which contains the value to which you wanna apply the conversion):

select map(locate_regexpr(START '^[0-9]*$' FLAG 'i' IN column)
                  , 0, column
                  , lpad(column, 60, '0'))
from ...

What does the logic: With the LOCATE_REGEXPR function it is checked if the column value contains only numbers. If not the function returns 0. The MAP functions checks on that. If 0 is returned (= not only numbers), the column value is returned unchanged. If <> 0, the leading zeros are added using the LPAD function.


Former Member
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Thanks very much Florian Pfeffer! I closed it.