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How to integrate radiobutton group in a table control in webdynpro

Former Member
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hi experts,

can any one suggest me, how to integrate a radiobutton in a table? My requirement is that, for each row in the table, two radiobutton should be there..

Edited by: jithus on Oct 8, 2010 9:33 AM

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

For the radio buttons you need context attribute to bind the properties of 'selectedKey`

I assume that you have the table binding to the Node in your context. If this node already has attributes for your Radio button then you only need to add one or more colums in your table and bind the context to the radio button.

IF your context node doesnot have the attributes then you can create a child node with 1 : 1 cardinality and create attributes which you need for your radio buttons.