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How to handle delta by routine or program at transformation level

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Hi to all,

Can any one tell me how to handle delta by creating routine or program at transformation level between 2 DSO.

Example: Delta data is moving from DSO1 to DSO2, there is routine at transformation level between DSO1 and DSO2 for lookup of third DSO DSO3.So due to this it may be possible that Delta data get incorrect at DSO2, so to handle this situation, how we will write code for record mode, so only correct delta should go to DSO2.

I shall be thankful to you for this.


Pavneet Rana

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Delta is already managed btw DSO1 and DSO2.

The fact that you read DSO3 does not have any link to the delta method.

Why are you reading DSO3 ? is it linked to the data that you have in the delta load ?


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Thanks for reply,

I am reading this DSO3, as we are getting some record from this DSO3  to DSO2.

So records are coming from DSO1 and DSO3 together based on some condition to DSO2.

So i can be possible that delta may miss in DSO2 , due to DSO3 or DSO1 .

so is there any process to realign the delat load in DSO2, base on some logic or code at routine level.

I shall be thnakful to you for this.


Pavneet Rana

Former Member
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Sorry I am not catching what you are doing.

When the delta loads starts from DSO1 to DSO2, why are you looking at DSO3 ? Are you adding records to the datapackage ? Are you sure, you are not reading twice the same data...

We need more details on what are DSO1, DSO2, DSO3, and the purpose of reading DSO3 when you have delta loads between DSO1 and DSO2...


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Thanks for reply,


DSO1 gives 3 fields (NAME, ID, MARKS) to DSO2.

And there is lookup for DSO3 in transformation between DSO1->DSO2 to get 2 more field (GENDER, LOCATION, ID)  based on ID field( common in DSO1 and DSO3).

So now DSO2 will have 5 fields (NAME, ID, MARKS, GENDER, LOCATION) populating from DSO1 and DSO3.

Now if load from DSO1/DSO3 gives incorrect delta to DSO2.

How we will solve this problem of incorerct delta at DS02. Do we need to right a piece of code at transformation level between DSO1 and DSO2 so that, there can be realignment for delta can be done at DSO2, so only correct delta move to DSO2.


Pavneet Rana

Former Member
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What are the keys of your DSOs ?

Do you have key figures in those DSOs ?

Is the DSO3 updated before DSO1 ? if yes, I do not catch why you have DSO2, you could read data from DSO3 while updating DSO1...

As for me, fo now, I do not see any incorrect delta..Can you give us the code you have in the TRFN (I guess you are in 7.X dataflow) start routine ?


Do you have any key figures in DSO1 and in DSO2 ?

You should not load from DSO3 to DSO2, but only from DSO1. If you have newer dat in DSO3 you want to load to DSO2, I would go through DSO1...