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How to deploy a single PBL (Build Runtime Library) in 64Bit

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Hello There,

I am testing PB15 and create
two Project Files within the application. One Projectfile to compile a 32Bit Version and the other one to deploy a 64Bit version in P-Code. We are delivering today Patches in a Patch Library at the top of the library list (we are aware for the dependencies and know how to avoid the “Wrong Function Call” issue).

How can I create a Patch Library for 64Bit?

Today we just recompile the Patch.PBL two times and rename Patch.PBL -> Patch.PBD. But that did not work with 64Bit Project because I can’t choose the desired Platform (I am guessing it is always compiles in 32Bit).


There is an additional menu point “Build Runtime Library” which seems to have the settings / option similar to the Project settings. But there is the Platform the missing link either (see attached Picture).

So how can I get a single PBL compiled in 64Bit without deploying the whole Project?

Compilation of the Whole app takes about 6 hours and results in full XCOPY deployment
of 730MB (in 64Bit), so we want wait that time or deliver so much files if a single
Patch.pbd of 500KB would be sufficient.



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I think you don't need it,

A PBD is more like a resource file for the exe and it would surprise me if the 32-bit and 64-bit versions are not identical,

All 32-bit and 64-bit related stuff are either the .exe or the runtime dll's,


0 Kudos

Hi Ben,

i just tried that before I post, beacuse it's just P-CODE interpreted by the PB-VM as you state. But that did not work and the app crashes with a modified patch.pbl. I just changed a
few lines within a existing function what should not be critical.

So i guess there is some more behind the sceen...

EDIT: 5.3.2014

I deployed the 64Bit Project this night again and added this morning a Button on an existing Sheet and call a SheetOpen on the new Sheet. This works today with recompiling the Patch.pbl 2 times.

Unsure what was wrong yesterday?

The only Thing I did yesterday different, was to add & delete a big menu within the Patch.pbl before I generatede the pbl, but that should not affect anything.

Regard Marco

Former Member
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Hi Marco,

You should try orcascript to build your patches.  It is much cleaner and faster.

I setup a .dat file with the orcascript and then run it using a .bat file.

this is my batch file command:  OrcaScr125 build.dat >buildlog.txt

Note that the orcascr command is version specific.  I have NOT tried this yet with PB 15 32 or 64 bit.

this is what the build.dat would have in it.  The liblist has to be your lib list, same with the main applicaiton info.

NOTE:  i regen a function in the script in order to set a patch date that users can see.  Also, note that i copy the patch.pbl to a build directory, build it, then copy the .pbd to various locations.

start session

file copy "patch.pbl" "build\patch.pbl"
set liblist "build\patch.pbl; ...."
set application "C:\main.pbl" "app"

regenerate "build\patch.pbl" "f_get_patch_date" "function"

build library "build\patch.pbl"   "" pbd
file copy "build\patch.pbd" "patch.pbd"
file copy "patch.pbd" "..\patch.pbd"

end session


