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How does sap-ui-core.js decide what files to load?

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I am working with the IoT Application plugin to WebIDE. When I generate a new project, I specify that I want to see an Analysis Page, a Thing Details page, and a Landing Page. I see that WebIDE generates webapp controller files (AnalysisPage.controller.js, ThingPage.controller.js, and LandingPage.controller.js) for each of the pages listed above. Nonetheless, the only script that is loaded by sap-ui-core.js is the Landing Page script. What criteria does sap-ui-core.js use in order to load files?


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I m not sure but I think that SAP UI5 loads files (dependencies) on demand (when they are needed) unless you have a preload file which has all the files minified together. To render the first view you need the controller (LandingPage.controller.js) and an additional dependency (XmlFragmentDialogLoader.js). So UI5 just loads these two files and render the view. If you do a navigation to a second view (AnalysisPage), then the other files will be loaded as well. Hope this helps ☺