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How can you determine what the Key fields are in a standard extractor?

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Hi there,

I am doing some analysis on standard extractors. Please can you let me know what the key fields are of Extractor PM_TASKLIST_ATTR? And how can I find this for other extractors?

Many thanks


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Hi Michelle,

Above extractor was master data attributes one.

Your main primary field will task list(think so).

for ex: we have 0MATERIAL_ATTR. in this extractor i primary field was Material.

Material at ecc side as MATNR and at bw side as 0MATERIAL.


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Many thanks Ramanjaneyulu for your answer...

Perhaps I should not have given 0PM_TASKLIST_ATTR as my example since it is a masterdata extractor...

If I take a transactional extractor, how can I tell which fields, for example 2LIS_17_I0ACTY.

Please can you let me know where in the system I should check which fields in this Extractor are Key Fields?

Many thanks


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Hi Michellye,

Extractors which are startes with 2LIS* you can check at Tx - LBWE(ECC system).

All SAP Defined data source can display at Tx -  RSA5(ECC system) and for custom defined data source visible at Tx - RSA6(along sap defined data soucre once they are in active)..

You can check data source individually at Tx - RSA2.

Extrcators always build by using  tables. once we know the base tables thru that also we can find primary.

For your data source , these are the base tables - QMEL,QMFE, QMMA

Primay field - QMNUM - Notification Number


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Many thanks again Ramanjaneyulu for your reply..

It's becoming a bit clearer now.

So, just to confirm, have you have found what tables are used in this extractor using a google search, per the SAP Help link you provided or is there a way to check in the system?

Now that you have the 3 tables QMEL, QMFE and QMMA (eventhough in the link to SAP Help, they are listed MCQMEL, MCQMFE and MCQMMA, why is that?)...Did you then check SE16N to see what the key fields for these tables are?

In this case...




Why is the primary field only QMNUM and not all 3 fields, QMNUM, FENUM &b MANUM?

Many thanks


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To find out the base tables of extractors i searched on google or as well Tx -  LBWE.

as you said, "they are listed MCQMEL, MCQMFE and MCQMMA" these are communications structure. forming with tables names prefix of MC.

From that you can take Table names: QMEL,QMFE and QMMA. these same info we can get to LBWE.

Go to Tx - LBWE, go to respective application, data source, there you may see two hyper links like

maintenance and your data source name.

click on maintenance link, it may give one pop with two tables kind left and right.

Left side have fields which are part of your data source and not possible remove(which are in blue colors). Right side objects are form communication structure. from top you may see ALL or comm. str names like MCXXXX,MCXXXX. those are base tables(XXXX) for respective data source.

if you google about Communication and extract structure you may get useful info. these are basics for extraction concept.


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once you know the base tables form their also we can take which was the primary keys(from all source tables). other wise  with help function team also we can conclude which are primary keys.
