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Everything opening in new tab(s) in all browsers

Former Member
0 Kudos
  • Development environment: Visual Studio 2012
  • .Net Version: 4.5.51209
  • CR Version: 13.0.2000.0
  • Application type: Website application
  • Language: C#
  • Issue: The application consists of a main page with the following layout...


     <frameset rows="59, *, 30" border="0" frameSpacing="0" frameBorder="0">

        <frame name="Header" src="FormHeader.aspx" noresize scrolling="no">

        <frameset cols="250,*" border="0" id="myFrameSet" frameSpacing="0">

            <frame name="Menu" id="Menu" src="FormMenuNew.aspx" noresize marginwidth="3" frameborder="0">

            <frame name="Body" id="Body" src="TestImplantList.aspx" frameborder="0">


        <frame name="Footer" src="FormFooter.aspx" noresize scrolling="no">


A sample of menu code that calls a report looks like this...

     <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Target="Body" NavigateUrl="~/Reports/FormFullImplant.aspx" Text="Full Implant" />


The code on the these pages gets the data for the report and redirects to another page that contains a Crystal Reports Viewer to display the report.

The menu has around 15 different reports that the user can run.

When running the application in Visual Studio, everything works correctly. Changing reports "refreshes" the Body frame with a new viewer and a new

report. However, moving the application over to the user's server, running the first report works correctly. Then, everything else (reports, forms, etc.) in the application open up in new tabs as opposed to displaying in the Body frame. This happens with all browsers.

Is this an application problem, a server problem, or something else? Any suggestions are welcome

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Hi Mike,

In Firefox see if any of these options change behaviour:

Other browsers may have similar settings.


PS - moved post to SDK forum