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Error when deploying sp 9 on JDI 640

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I get the following error when trying to deploy sp 9 on JDI 640.

Starting Deployment of tc/SL/CMS/PCS

Aborted: development component 'tc/SL/CMS/PCS'/''/'SAP AG'/'6.4010.00.0000.20041206144548.0000':Caught exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service:java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot deploy application Reason: Exception during generation of components of application in container EJBContainer.; nested exception is: Exception during generation of components of application in container EJBContainer. (message ID:

Deployment of tc/SL/CMS/PCS finished with Error (Duration 14479 ms)

Can anyone help me with getting the error resolved.



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What SP of JDI are you currently running?

SP09 is <b>really</b> old....

Message was edited by: Pascal Willemsen

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It is a new installion and according to docs that I got from SDN the sp's must be loaded after the deployment of the JDI. I was successful in deploying SP 8. On OSS there is BUILD files and SAPDEV.. files. I suppose I just need to install the SAPDEV.. files, is this correct?



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If it is a new installation... why are you trying to install SP09 when SP16 is already available, containing loads of fixes?

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Yes it is a new installation, I am rying to get CMS to work.

I was under the impression that you need to load 8, 9 ,10 etc till you get at 16. Can you load 16 right away?

If I go to Visual Administrator/Services/deploy there is a few services that does not start for instance

Can I undeploy JDI and re-deploy it and what is it called in the undeploy Window, I cannot find JFI only JDII?



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You can install SP16 right away. Any SP contains the entire package. Note that your WebAS must be - at least - on the same SP level.

I have no experience with undeployments of JDI. What you can try first is to upgrade to the latest SP level and see if that resolves any issues that you are currently having.