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Error when creating relational connection in IDT on SAP BW for universe

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I used the Information Design Tool to create a relational conncetion to a SAP BW cube. Above this I created the data foundation and then the business layer (universe).

Creation of connection and universe works, but in the IDT when I click on "Test Connection" or in WebI when i want to create a report a get the following error:

Database error: [Data Federator Driver] [Server] [Connector <CONNECTION_NAME>] SAP NetWeaver BW has reported an exception: (101) JCO_ERROR_CONFIGURATION: Server configuration for DF_SERV-<BW_SERVERNAME>-3336-NOSNC is already used for a running server. (IES 10901) (WIS 10901)

I read through various SAP Notes and forum posts, but I'm still searching for a solution.

Any ideas?


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Finally we resolved this issue now...if anyone comes across this issue here's my solution.

Like described in KBA 1712546:

Go to SM59 and delete all rfc-connections starting like: DF_JCO_xxx_x

Then you have to configure an RFC Connection (Callback) in your BW System.
1. Go to SE37 and execute function module RSDRI_DF_CONFIGURE.
2. set following values and execute again:
I_ONLY_CHECK = '' (empty)
I_RFC_DESTINATION = DF_JCO_yourServerHostname_0

Now you should find the connection in SM59.
After this setting you have to restart BO server, to activate it there.

If you have further problems as we have, make an entry on the etc/hosts file of the BO server. Put there your corresponding BW server.

On our productive system we than had antoher problem:
Folliwing error occured: "Unable to create SAP NetWeaver BW connection. An unexpected server error prevented the workflow from completing. Error: [Data Federator Driver] Unexpected exception: null | [Data Federator Driver] Failed to connect to any of the provided 'Central Management Server' hosts."

To solve this we followed KBA 1690334, but we simple copied our Adaptive Processing server and made sure the data federation service was included and then deleted the old APS.

Now it's working fine!

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    What permission do need to set to the SAP UserID in order to get to work.  We are having similar issue with certain UserID.  If we create the connection using the SAP Admin account all works. 

The SAP note 1604227 does not provide enough information on the security settings required.



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Hello Ajay,

I'm afriad that I can't help you with security issues, because our basis team is responsible for that.

They created the RFC connection on BW side for us. As far as I know they used an user-account which had SAP_ALL rights.

In BO we created the relational connection with a BO-Enterprise user account which is in Administrator group.
Therefore we had to provide a BW user and password for connection to BW.

I don't know the exact rights of this user, cause basis team handles that for us.



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I'm facing the same error while testing the connection.  I try with the solution you mentioned here, but the error still continues.

Would you please give some more details on the step?

make an entry on the etc/hosts file of the BO server. Put there your corresponding BW server.

because this the only step I missed.



Former Member
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Hi Ansar,

go to your server where you installed BO and open the hosts file under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

Edit this file with simple texteditor. You should find the the following rows:

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

#       localhost

# ::1             localhost

After that examples you write an entry (IP Adress + Hostname) of your SAP BW Server you want to connect with.

Example:     BW_servername

Hope this will help you.

