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Error in formula UFL 'u25samp1.dll' that implements this function is missing

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I have inherited an application that appears to be converted to Visual Studio 2010 already, but the Crystal Reports are not compiling. I am unable to compile due to the reports running functions that use u25samp1.dll. The function appears to format a string and is called picture({value, "stringformat"}).

Initially, I opened the solution and none of the crystal report dlls existed. Because I was on a new machine, Crystal reports was not installed. To remedy this I have installed the latest CR for Visual Studio "CRforVS_13)0_3.exe". Running the exe installed the crystal dll's.

I had to upgrade each of the crystal reports (.rpt) to run under this new Crystal version. One of the reports showed the error: "Error in formula UFL 'u25samp1.dll' that implements this function is missing". I was able to fix this by taking the function output that was on the page (@someval) and removing it from being inside another label. The error for that report went away. Now I have another report that is using the "picture" function in a "group by" header and causing the same error. Removing the group by header resolves the issue. But, I don't want to remove it.

How is the u25samp1.dll to be used? Does it need to be installed in the GAC? If so, when I deploy as ClickOnce, will it output?

Here is what I already have setup, based on my research of this issue:

Platform target = x86

Target framework = .NET Framework 4

Also, I see that under the project properties, these locations are under "Reference Paths" (not sure if necessary):

C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\

C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\dotnet\

Thank you

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There should be no need to GAC the dll as this is a COM dll, not a .NET dll.

Check to see that the u25samp1.dll is in the" C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86" folder.

Add the report to your project and see if you can run it from the CR designer in the .NET IDE.

When you try to runt he report in your project, are you running it as a compiled exe (32 bit or 64 bit)? Or are you running the project from the .NET IDE?

- Ludek

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I am running 32 bit OS, not 64, so I do not have Program Files(x86).  The u25samp1.dll exists under C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86.

The report opens in Visual Studio design window but the project does not compile. The report is already in the project.

I am trying to "build" (compile) the application in Visual Studio and the errors are displayed at that time.


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The report opens in Visual Studio design window

Are you able to view the report with all the data etc., in the design IDE?

If so, can you share the report with saved data?

- Ludek

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Sorry, this is all I can see. The issue is with the @O_Asmt

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OK, OK, that is good. Now at the bottom of that screen you'll see "Main report Preview":

Hit on that and see if the report will view the data.

- Ludek

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Yes, I can go to Main Report Preview, enter in my parameters and the data does get pulled back into the report.

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Can you share the report with saved data?

- LUdek

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I'm not sure that I can provide you the report, is this sufficient?

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unfortunately, no it's not. I really do need the actual report to look at and test and repro the issue with.

- Ludek

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I'm not able to provide the report. I did however come up with a way to not use the picture method. Thanks for your help.

left({sp_ReconcileLesseeValues;1.Originating_Asmt},3) + "-" +
mid({sp_ReconcileLesseeValues;1.Originating_Asmt},3,3) + "-" +
mid({sp_ReconcileLesseeValues;1.Originating_Asmt},6,3) + "-" +